MQ Learning Academy
Embodiment As Inner Initiation Rite: Embodied Expanding with Dr. Kasia Kopanska
Something is missing. A sense of void whispers a deeper longing. Acquired achievements fail to satiate my day.
Amidst the crumbling world, control eludes our grasp. We are plagued by irreparable illnes, depression, lost romantic connections, or children...
In the face of such occurrences, you stand at the threshold of the most hallowed domain - your own self. To traverse this cryptic landscape, we may lean on the body, an innately wise vessel of metamorphosis, brimming with vulnerability, life-death cycles, and the power of renewal. The ancient narrative of Inanna's descent into the underworld provides the first written testament of this inner rite of passage, aiding us in deciphering the enigmas of this journey.
I invite you to join me in a cyclic series of exploratory gatherings in collaboration with MQ Academy. Each segment will start with a visual-poetic journey to stir our subconscious, supplemented by insights from cutting-edge scientific research, mystical teachings, and personal encounters, all culminating in a collective, embodied free-flow togetherness.
About Embodied Expanding Cycle
... to the world, we always remain as children...
In Embodied Expanding, we explore how to navigate the infinite rhythmic process of evolution, defragmentation, and creation intimately bound to living inside the body.
We are all part of nature, intricately woven into its cycles and physical laws. Yet, our highly developed conscious mind, a marvel of evolution, gives us a unique perspective on life. We feel like we stand on the top of a mountain, gazing down at all the creation.
In our lives, we endure moments of pain, upheaval and rapture - both spontaneous and induced - that shatter our illusions and cast us into the deep chasms of our bodily existence with nowhere to go. These cycles of disarray and rebirth are as inescapable as the physical laws governing our flesh. In these moments of profound transformation, we often recognise the thread that binds us to all of existence. This thread, this profound interconnectivity, I refer to as love.
Dr. Kasia Kopanska strives to bridge the experiential, scientific and mystical spaces. She is passionate about exploring the relationship between the body and altered states of consciousness. With a wide-open heart, she guides individuals and groups to experience nature within to transform and embrace trauma into belonging, aliveness, and authenticity.
Kasia is somatic educator and psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) facilitator. She is a cell and tissue biology scientist (PhD from the University of Cambridge). Kasia is a scholar of feminine mysticism and oracular arts.
She has extensive experience working with various tools and methodologies, including bodywork, touch, breathwork, sound, movement, parts inquiry, ritual, expressive arts and more.
Instagram: / kasia.embodied
Facebook: / integral.embodied
LinkedIn: / katarzynakopanska