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Our Open Business Program Calendar 

Company Policy:

Limited seats: To maintain the interactive and experiential component of the training, we have limited the seats for most of the program (exceptions include short workshops, company-specific training, additional overseers, etc.). We reserve the right to change the location within the city.

Changes & Cancellations: We reserve the right to cancel the event if there are fewer than 4 participants. In such cases, we will provide the option of a 100% refund or a seat in the next similar program. In case of changes or cancellations from the participant's side, we are open to transfer to the other programs if seats are available. Otherwise, cancellations are free for up to 7 days and involve a 50% charge afterward. No cancellation is possible within 24 hours.

Company Invoices: We are happy to discuss with you your company-specific policies.

Principle: Our training program is based on equality and is open to people from all backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations, races, etc. However, we reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone on the grounds of misbehavior and disrespect.  

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